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The Active Penis Play Book – Get Her Attention With These Tips on Flirting for Men
An active penis can make a man very happy; learning appropriate flirting skills can help a man upgrade his activity level. Some basic tips can be a substantial aid in successful flirting.
Dry, Itchy Penis? Guys May Be Making These Common Hygiene MistakesA dry, itchy penis is not just a minor nuisance; that constant urge to scratch, squirm, or plunge the junk into a bucket of ice water can be a huge distraction. After all, how many guys can concentrate on what their boss – or even the gorgeous woman in the coffee ship line – is saying when it feels like his crotch is on fire? What makes things even worse is that all of this discomfort is often caused by something the guy himself is doing – or not doing – in the process of his normal penis care routine.
How to Make Your Penis Rock Solid and Stiff in SecondsErectile dysfunction can give nightmares to any man. However, it is possible to get rock solid erections even using drugs. One of the best ways to beat ED is with the help of a natural erection gel that helps you get results within seconds.
Penis Sensitivity – Is Your Clothing “Deadening” Your Tool?Loss of sensation can be an unexpected by-product of some clothing choices. Because adequate penis sensitivity is crucial for a man’s enjoyment of sex, addressing this issue is very important.
Jelqing and Stretching – Which Works Best For Male Enhancement?Have you heard about jelqing and stretching? They are the 2 most popular male enhancement exercise methods. Find out which works best and why!
Penis Injury Quiz – Match the Cringe-Worthy Act to the PainIt’s hard to gather statistics on penis injuries. Men with sore peckers often neglect to make a doctor’s appointment because they’re just too embarrassed, but chances are, every guy out there has dealt with a painful penis at least once. And it’s likely that the problem came about due to something really common (and maybe something a little stupid).
Five Penis Health Rules for a Better Appearance and Improved SensationAs most men will agree, their penis is one of their most important assets, and caring for this essential equipment is a top priority. The bad news is that, aside from the need to wear a raincoat for each and every one of those steamy encounters, most men aren’t fully aware of all the important steps required to maintain optimum penis health and performance, but these guidelines for penis care can help. 1) Choose a healthy diet.
Is Your Penis Too Big? Why Male Enhancement May NOT Be For You!Yes, it’s true. You may already have a big penis and not realize it. Find out if your size is big enough where you shouldn’t have to worry about male enhancement.
How to Boost Your Semen Production by 500% in WeeksIt isn’t surprising that a lot of men want to increase their semen volume. This article lists some of the best ways to boost your semen production naturally. Herbal semen pills can also be a great help in increasing your semen volume.
Is My Penis Big Enough? Take The 5 Question Test To Find OutAre you wondering whether or not your penis is big enough? Here is a very unique, straight to the point “5 question test” you can take to determine if getting bigger penis size is something you should look into.
Ways to Get Rock Hard Erections Naturally – No More DrugsA lot of men experience erectile dysfunction as they get older. Some of the most common reasons behind erectile failure include poor blood flow to the penis and a drop in their testosterone levels. This article lists some of the best ways to help you get rock solid erections even without using prescription drugs.
Five Causes of Penis Itching That Aren’t STDsNot all conditions that cause penis itching are associated with STDs. Some of the more common problems are described here.