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Itty Bitty Penis Bumps? Maybe Lichen Nitidus
Penis bumps can come in a range of sizes, shapes and colors – and can often cause anxiety in a man. Sometimes lichen nitidus may be the cause of very tiny, light little bumps.
Using Sex Toys With a Bent PenisOften, a man with a severely bent penis may experience issues which can interfere with his sexual enjoyment. Using sex toys is usually still a viable option.
Can Antiperspirants Contribute to Penis Odor?Few things can turn a potential sexual relationship sour than the presence of an overwhelming and off-putting penis odor from a guy. Interestingly, antiperspirants could potentially add to this problem.
Painful Penis? Here’s What Might Be Going OnA painful penis can be very debilitating, but in most cases, there is a simple solution. Here are some of the reasons that your junk may be throbbing, as well as effective solutions.
Masturdating: More Than Just MasturbatingMost men indulge in some masturbation on a fairly regular basis – but few probably go masturdating very often. This special “just me alone” date can be a nice change of pace.
CPPS Causes Uncomfortable Penis PainWant to avoid penis pain? What man doesn’t? But sometimes they fall victim to chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), which can be a challenging condition to manage.
Better Sex Resolutions for the New YearThe new year is a traditional time to make resolutions to change and improve one’s life. Resolutions around better sex can make both members of a couple have a very happy new year.
Penis Function Issues: Dealing With Premature EjaculationA man definitely wants to have good penis function if he wants to handle premature ejaculation. A number of strategies can help a man learn to last longer.
Penis Protection From Winter WeatherWinter weather means that icy cold winds are a reality for many people. Maintaining proper penis protection in the cold is key to good penis health.
Five Tips on How to Get a Good-Looking PenisEvery man wants a good-looking penis, but what exactly does that mean? Read on to find out the elements that make a dream penis.
Does Penis Size Really Matter? The Answer May Surprise YouToo big, too small, or, just right? Does penis size really matter to an intimate partner? Let’s examine this phenomenon and see how people feel about penis size.
5 Causes of an Itchy Rash on the Penis: Identification, Treatment and PreventionIt starts as a tickle but then develops into to a full-on scratch fest. Getting an itchy rash on the penis is a nightmare for any man. Let’s look at five common causes of penis rashes and how to get back to good.