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Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Could Help Weak Erections
When a man notices his once blue-ribbon boners have transformed into weak erections, he knows he should make some changes to get it back to good. As it turns out, a trip to the produce section could solve his penis problems.
Can Shockwaves Shock the Member Dysfunction Out of a Male Organ? Let’s See!Men with loss of sensation in their male organ may have a reason to rejoice. Some researchers think shockwaves could help fight member dysfunction.
Causes of Penis Peeling and How to Fix ItNo, your trouser snake isn’t just shedding its skin, your penis is peeling. Let’s talk about what causes skin peeling on the penis and how to fix it.
Cellulitis May Cause Swollen Penis PainNo man enjoys penis pain, especially when it is accompanied by itching and swelling. Cellulitis, a skin condition, can unfortunately bring about all of this and more.
Penis Problems: Hey, There’s Blood in My SemenGuys don’t like to deal with penis problems, but sometimes they have to. When a man finds blood in his semen, he may panic, but it’s not always so serious.
Sex Tips: Beyond the PenisNot surprisingly, most sex tips for the male tend to have a specific focus on issues involving the penis itself. But there can be general health issues that impact the penis as well.
How a Man Can Tell If He Has a Penile Fracture and What to DoHear a pop in your penis and not sure what happened? It could be a penile fracture. Let’s take a look at everything a man needs to know if he thinks he has a fractured penis.
Jock Itch? Try Some ProbioticsWhen a guy has jock itch, resisting the urge to put his hands down his pants and scratch can be a challenge. Some recommend adding probiotics to the diet to fight jock itch.
Penis Problems: Adult Wet DreamsAs penis problems go, adult wet dreams is not a major one, but it can be disconcerting to a man when it occurs. After all, didn’t he leave all that behind in puberty?
Sex Tips: Tea-Bagging and Other TermsOften when reading sex tips or hearing about sexual experiences, a guy may be exposed to sexual terms he doesn’t know the meaning of. But that he is too embarrassed to ask about.
Penis Size and Dysmorphia: Unrealistic Worries About Measuring UpIt’s no surprise and certainly not news that many men place an unhealthy emphasis on their penis size. If body dysmorphia is involved, it can create many challenges for them.
Is Air Pollution a Penis Health Problem?Air pollution is a major worldwide health concern, but evidence from recent studies increasingly suggests that it is also specifically a growing penis health concern. Environmental issues are a major concern for everyone on the planet, as our lives depend on maintaining a livable environment.