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How Brain Chemistry May Lead to Compulsive Masturbation

Regular masturbation is a pleasure for many men and an excellent way to learn how one’s body functions. Sometimes, however, masturbation may become compulsive – and a drug called pramipexole could be one reason why.

Wine and Penis Pain – Excuse Me?

Penis pain is usually high on the list of experiences to be avoided. Surprisingly, some men find that drinking wine may result in a degree of penis pain.

Ho-Ho-Hot Christmas Sex Tips

The Christmas season is a time when loved ones give each other special gifts. These sex tips can help a couple give each other holiday-themed sex ideas.

Will Probiotics Benefit an Itchy Penis?

Oh, the curse o an itchy penis! Men want to be spared the embarrassment of scratching in public. Adding probiotics to their diet may be one way to help rein in this problem.

8 Dry Penis Skin Solutions to Try

When a man has flaky, dry penis skin, his penis does not have the visual and sexual appeal that makes a partner feel at ease. These tips can help with this situation.

What Causes Damaged Nerves in the Penis and How to Treat and Prevent Them

Getting the “tingles” is usually a good thing. However, when a man feels the shock of lightning in his penis, it’s mostly just painful and a cause for anxiety. Let’s learn about what causes damaged nerves in the penis and how to treat and prevent them.

5 Common Causes of Penis Smell and How to Freshen Up the Funk

Pent up in an area that gets a lot of moisture and not a ton of ventilation, penises often carry a smell. But if that smell has changed or gotten more pungent, it may be a sign there’s something foul afoot. Most reasons for penis odor can be treated easily and all can be prevented.

7 Common Penis Problems and How to Solve Them

Just like any organ or appendage, a penis can have problems from time to time. Here are a few of the most common penis problems and how to fix them.

Loss of Penile Sensitivity: The Answers You Need

As men age, the penis begins to become less sensitive to touch and stimulation as it does throughout the rest of the body. Unfortunately, many men may experience loss of penile sensitivity earlier in life, as well. Some of the reasons this occurs are discussed here, as well as real solutions.

Holiday Gifts for Better Sex

The ho-ho-holidays are almost here, and that means that men need to be putting serious thought into the gifts they give to their partners. While most partners expect gifts in a traditional style, many also would enjoy at least one or two gifts with a specific focus – such as helping a couple to enjoy even better sex. One easy gift for men to give in this area is that of penis health, which helps to create conditions for better sex.

Bent Penis Treatment: Understanding and Coping With Peyronie’s Disease and How to Deal With It

Peyronie’s Disease is marked by an extreme bend in the penis and has been shown to affect a quarter of adult men. This article will discuss the condition and potential bent penis treatments to remedy the situation.

5 Sex Tips for Early Morning Risers

Sex tips can come in handy when a man or a couple are trying something new. For example, those who want to explore early morning sex may to consider a few helpful tips.

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