Dr. Jordan Rullo discusses antidepressants and sexual dysfunction

Got a Raw, Red Penis? It Might Be Too Much Masturbation

For many men, masturbation is an enjoyable pastime, and a healthy one at that! But it is possible to have too much of a good thing and wind up with a raw, red penis.

Penis Pain: Phimosis or Paraphimosis?

While most matters revolving around the circumcised/intact debate don’t have a huge impact on penis health, a couple of penis pain issues land squarely in the intact male camp – mainly because they involve the foreskin itself. Many intact men have heard of phimosis and paraphimosis – but they may not know what each them means and how they are different. And they are different, even if they both result in some penis pain.

Avoid Penis Pain With These Jock Strap Tips

Many men opt for a jock strap to help them avoid penis pain during sports. But the degree of protection depends strongly upon how much effort a man puts into finding the right jock strap.

How to Solve Penis Odor Problems

Among the most common penis problems a man can face is that of penis odor. Everyone has it at one point or another. Here’s what a guy can do about it.

Sex Toys for a Bent Penis

If a man has a severely bent penis, the excess curvature may create difficulties for him. Use of sex toys may be an option to help.

An Itchy Penis May Accompany Plasma Cell Balanitis

Plasma cell balanitis is a male health issue that can result in a red, itchy penis. Its resemblance to a sore caused by an STI can cause a man needless anxiety and panic.

Unusual Penis Problems: Penis Acne

Among all the potential penis problems a man can have, one of the most common – and most surprising – might be penis acne. Here’s what to do about those pimples.

Penis Size Myths: Getting the Facts

The myths about penis size and its effect on a guy’s sexual career are practically endless. Separating myths from facts can help a guy have a more satisfying sex life.

What to Expect During an STD Screening

A man who has an irritated, itchy or red penis might wonder if it’s time to get an STD screening. Here’s what a guy can expect when he goes to the doctor with this particular concern.

Masturbation and Camping: A Good Combo

Going camping is a great way to enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Masturbation while camping can be great fun, but a few niceties should be observed.

Why Intimacy Is Great for Penis Health

Men already know that a regular regimen of intimacy is great for penis health. But just how much of an affect does it have? Here’s what a man needs to know.

Erectile Dysfunction Cause + What Treatment Is Most Effective?

Erectile dysfunction is on the rise amongst men of all ages, with less than half of men seeking treatment. If you have trouble getting it up, you could be suffering from erectile dysfunction.

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