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Study Says That Erectile Dysfunction and Depression Are Linked
Depression is a common but serious problem that can affect many aspects of an individual’s physical, as well as mental well-being. In men, research has shown that depression is a causative factor in erectile dysfunction.
Five Causes of Weak Erections and How to Take Back ControlA weak erection can be a man’s worst nightmare. Here are some common causes that can result in a weak erection and how to overcome and deal with it.
Bent Penis Problems: Why They Happen and How to CopeNot all penises take a straight and narrow path. Some have a little more whimsy and take unexpected turns. Here are a few problems men with bent penises have and how to respect the curve.
Skin Irritation on the Penis: Causes, Treatments and Risk FactorsThe largest organ on the human body, the skin requires a lot of upkeep to stay clean, dry, and soft. However, when a man notices a skin irritation on his penis, it can not only cause a lot of discomfort but also a lot of paranoia and worry. Let’s explore common causes and treatments for an irritated penis.
Penis Scars: Potential ProblemsOver time, normal wear and tear can lead to penis scars, both on the skin’s surface and in the underlying tissue. In some cases, this can lead to significant penile problems, including Peyronie’s disease.
Masturbation Without Visual Aids: Why It’s BeneficialMany men regularly employ some form of visual aid, such as adult videos or photographs, in their masturbation routine. But there can be benefits in stepping away from the computer to masturbate.
Penis Size: Living in the Real WorldPerhaps it was easy in grandfather’s day, but let’s face it: Men today have a hard time not being aware of their penis size and whether it is “up to expectations.” Our obsession with this issue is, of course, misguided; men would be far better off concentrating on their penis health than fretting about penis size. But the fact is that size is still on many men’s minds, and their perceptions of what is a good penis size is distorted by many factors.
Penis Skin Care: 5 Keys to a Youthful AppearanceThe penis skin is paramount in making a good impression on another person, especially a potential bed partner. Keeping it looking youthful is definitely to a man’s benefit.
Penis Problems and the Anemia FactorWhen a person has anemia, they feel generally tired and rundown, which is no fun. But men with anemic may also experience penis problems to add to their woe.
Penis Rash? Maybe It’s AspirinCan taking plain old aspiring cause an unsightly penis rash? In some cases, a person may have an allergic reaction to a common drug that does cause this problem.
How to Cure a Dry Penis: Common Causes and Treatment OptionsWhen a man notices dry and itchy pealing penis skin, it can make for an uncomfortable day, especially if tight clothing is involved. It can be a chronic condition or appear at random times. When not properly handled, dry, flaking and chapped skin can cause red and irritated skin and is an inconvenient and sometimes painful burden.
Erectile Dysfunction? Maybe Try a Little WatermelonThe impact of diet on erectile dysfunction is well known, and there are plenty of healthy foods that can contribute to better erections. One of these is a great summertime favorite – here’s how watermelon can help improve male performance.