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Seven Varicocele Symptoms and How to Deal

Scrotum been looking a little more veiny than usual lately? Peek these seven varicocele symptoms to see if it’s to blame.

Masturbation While on the Road: 5 Dos and Don’ts

The masturbation urge can – and does -strike a man at any time. When watching porn, of course, but also when walking down the street, listening to music, fixing dinner, or even just sitting still. That means, naturally, that sometimes a bro is going to feel like masturbating when he’s on the road, traveling to some destination on a business trip or vacation.

Penis Skin Care: 5 Tips for Better Health

There are tips for just about every health and beauty matter – and that includes penis skin care. A man needs to keep his most important organ looking strong and healthy.

Erect Penis Problems: The Impact of Winter Weather

An erect penis is a thing of pride for many a man. But in winter, the intense cold can sometimes have a negative impact on that erection.

Red Penis? Avoid These Triggers for Hives

When that red penis is also itchy and bumpy, it may be due to a bad case of hives. Knowing one’s triggers and avoiding them helps prevent this problem from occurring.

When a Sore Penis Gets in the Way of Good Sex

Sex, whether by oneself or with another person, is one of life’s great pleasures for a man. A sore penis unfortunately often means a delay in such pleasure.

Red Penis 101: Five Common Causes and Treatments

Having an irritated, red penis is a sure-fire way to ruin a good day, not to mention a date. Although many factors are involved, sometimes redness and irritation are caused by simple environmental factors, like clothing, certain soaps or laundry detergents. By pinpointing the underlying problem, men can take the right steps to for treatment.

Male Penile Shapes – Normal and Abnormal, and What They Mean

Just like snowflakes, penises are all unique. However, in terms of appearance, it’s not always clear what’s standard and when there might be a problem. Let’s talk about male penile shapes, normal and abnormal.

Vitamin E Oil on the Penis: How It Protects the Family Jewels

Vitamin E oil is renowned for its many amazing health properties as both an ingestible and topical curative. However, most people don’t know it’s also great for promoting penis health and support. Here are a few reasons why vitamin E oil makes penises great again.

Five Common Masturbation Side Effects

While it was once taboo, masturbation is proving itself to be one of the best ways to exhibit self-care. Let’s learn a little more about the side effects, positive and negative, of masturbation.

Benefits of Vitamins for Penis Health

Studies have proven that there are substantial benefits of vitamins for penis health. The top nutrients for better performance and function are discussed here.

Does a Small Penis = Infertility?

Many men with a small penis feel self-conscious or less of a man, and they may react negatively to a report that a small penis is linked with infertility. But should they believe it?

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