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Penis Itches: 6 Common Causes and How to Get Relief

When the penis itches, it can be embarrassing, distracting, and inconvenient. To tame an itchy penis, a man needs to understand what started it in the first place. Here are a few potential reasons a penis itches and how to get rid of the itch.

Discoloration on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Options

Discoloration on the penis can be a cause for anxiety and concern. However, many causes of discoloration are not serious and fade with time. Here are a few of the reasons that variations in coloring may occur, as well as suggestions for prevention and treatment.

Self-Gratification Pros and Cons: Health Benefits Vs. Risks

Self-gratification is a generally healthy activity that is sometimes treated as taboo; but in some cases, it can also get out of hand. To separate the good from the bad about this practice, here is a list of the top self-gratification pros and cons.

Five Causes of Tingling in the Penis and How to Cope

When a man experiences tinging in the penis, it can be both distracting and alarming. Here are a few of the most common causes of a tingly penis and how to get it back to normal.

Penile Nerve Damage: Dealing With Diminished Sensitivity

Whether it’s numbness or shocks of electricity shooting through the penis, penile nerve damage can not only physically cause pain, but can also make a man long for a time when he had better sensation and less discomfort. Here’s a low-down on penile nerve damage from how to recognize it to how to treat it.

Male Organ Rash Symptoms and Psoriasis: Is Phototherapy a Good Treatment Option?

Unpleasant and unsightly, a male organ rash can cause distress and discomfort for a man, especially when psoriasis is the cause. Is phototherapy a viable treatment option for this?

Penis Protection for the Occasional Nudist

If a male is a nudist, proper penis protection is a must when being naked outdoors. For the occasional or amateur nudist, a few tips may be in order.

Sore Male Organ Syndrome: Could It Be Behcet’s Disease?

Being too active or getting too roughly handled can bring about a mighty sore male organ. But so too can a rare chronic disorder known as Behcet’s disease.

Penis Bumps: Test Your Knowledge

When a man inspects his member and finds penis bumps, he may panic at the sight. Taking a quiz on penis bumps helps know what might be causing them.

Unusual Red Male Organ Issues: What Are Purpura, and What to Do About Them?

A healthy red male organ is something a man can be proud of. But a splotchy red male organ is another matter and may be due to factors such as purpura.

Small Penis Conundrum: Causes of a “Buried” Member

In a society where size and appearance are everything, a small penis can have a tremendous impact on a man’s self-esteem and overall psychological well-being. This article explores a situation in which the penis may become “buried,” giving it a smaller than normal appearance.

Circumcision Pros and Cons: Joining the Debate

Reasons to get a circumcision range from religious to medical to aesthetic. This article will discuss the pros and cons of circumcision, as well as how to keep the penis healthy regardless of whether it’s cut or uncut.

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